Calibration of measuring instruments

About the laboratory

AUTOINSTRUMENT, the Accredited Laboratory for Calibration of Dimensional and Mechanical Measurements, Time, and Optical Radiation, is a part of the company AUTOINSTRUMENT. Since 1997, the laboratory has been performing calibrations of measuring equipment. For more than 10 years, it was the Authorized Metrological Laboratory of the Bureau of Metrology of the Republic of Macedonia for repair, inspection, control, and calibration of measuring equipment.


Following the recommendations of the European Commission in the field of Metrology (Regulation (EC) No. 764/2008) and the regulatory reform implemented in our country, which transposed European harmonized standards in this area, AUTOINSTRUMENT accredited its Authorized Metrological Laboratory in 2008 at the national accreditation body - the Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia, in accordance with the standard MKS EN ISO/IEC 17025, becoming the first private calibration laboratory in Macedonia.



The Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia has been a full member of the European co-operation for Accreditation since November 21, 2007, and a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) since December 1, 2008.


Through regular supervisory visits conducted every year by the Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia and interlaboratory comparisons, AUTOINSTRUMENT's laboratory consistently confirms its technical competence, reliability, and impartiality in accordance with European standards and procedures for calibration of measuring instruments.


The calibration equipment owned by the laboratory has a high level of accuracy and is regularly calibrated at National Metrology Institutes and laboratories in European countries such as Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary...


Our certificates contain the accreditation mark of the laboratory for calibration from the Institute for Accreditation of the Republic of Macedonia, making our certificates valid for all member countries of the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA).


• Tape measures 0 m ÷ 30 m
• Rulers 0 m ÷ 5 m
• Vernier caliper gauges 0 mm ÷ 1000 mm
• Micrometers 0 mm ÷ 1000 mm
• Dial gauges 0 mm ÷ 100 mm
• Tire depth gauges 0 mm ÷ 100 mm
• Telescopic staff 0 m ÷ 5 m
• Side Slip Testers 0 mm/m ÷ 30 mm/m
• Roll brake testers 0N ÷ 40kN
• Suspensions tester 0N ÷ 20kN
• Presses 0N ÷ 40kN
• Pedal force transducer 0 ÷ 1000 N
• Force transducers 0N ÷ 40kN
Pressure and vacuum
• Mechanical and Electromechanical vacuum gauges -0.9bar ÷ 0bar
• Mechanical and Electromechanical pressure gauges 0bar ÷ 1000bar
• Absolute pressure gauges 0 bar abs ÷ 1 bar abs
• Analog and digital thermometers with direct reading -25 °C ÷ 650 °C
• Liquid-in-glass thermometers -25 °C ÷ 220 °C
• Equipment for tachographs and taximeters inspection
• Tachometers – RPM meters
• Non-contact Tachometers – RPM meters
• Speed rotation
• Speedometers
• Integrated system for measuring the weight 0 ÷ 9000kg
• Clinometers 0º ÷ 90º
• Angle gauges 0⁰ ÷ 360⁰
• Acceleration and deceleration measuring instruments
0 m/s² ÷ 10 m/s²
• Analog and digital stopwatch, timers and watches 0 h ÷ 24 h (res. 0,01 s)
Optical quantities
• Emission testers for diesel powered vehicles
• Window tint meters
• Headlight tester for motor vehicles
Chemical Analysis, Reference materials, Gas mixtures
• Emission tester for petrol powered motor vehicles
• Sound level meters
Link towards the Accreditation Certificate of the Calibration Laboratory
Deputy Head of LC
Deputy Head of Calibration Laboratory
Our laboratory offers the possiblillity to calibrate devices that measure length, angle, mass, force, pressure and vacuum, temperature, time, frequency, optical quantities and others. The laboratory is equipped with high-precision Standards which have traceability to national metrological institutes in Europe, as well as qualified and competent staff. The longstanding tradition of Autoinstrument speakes volumes about the quality and timeliness in which we manage our workload.
Emblem of Autoinstrument
Laboratory certificates
Certified ATT service provider
Quality assurance and impariality
Certificate from the German Economic Chamber
Certified ISO 17025 standard laboratory
Official logo Autoinstrument